Low-priced remaining stock products with proven Draht Binder quality.

Kurzfristig auf der Suche nach Drahtgitterprodukten?

As they say: You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs. The same is true with any production cycle. That’s why, in keeping with our sustainability commitment, we offer leftover pieces from our wire mesh production at attractive prices. Our experience has shown that there is always a project that can benefit from the items found here. Take a look and feel free to contact us for all short-notice projects.

In general:

  • All remaining stock is available at short notice
  • Price on request
  • No cancelation.
  • Guaranteed Binder quality
  • If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask


We look forward to hearing from you.

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The individual prices for our remaining stock are always based on the quantity purchased. We therefore ask you to enquire about prices in person. We are always happy to inform and advise you on our remaining stock.